Friday, February 10, 2023

[oracle][weblogic] Configure and Use Node Manager [12c][12-2-1-4-0]


1. Create Machines

In the left pane of the Console, under Domain Structure, expand Environment, and then select Machines.

Machine Identity page.
Enter new machine.
Name = machine1 
Machine OS = other
Click Next.

Accept default.

Click Finish.

Create machine2 with the same Node Manager settings.

2.Configure Machines

On the Summary of Machines page, select machine1.
Under Settings for machine1, select Configuration, and then Servers.


Assign server1 machine1.

Click Finish.
Then, assign server2 machine1.
Click Finish.

On the Summary of Machines page, select machine2.
Under Settings for machine2, select Configuration, and then Servers.

Assign server3 to machine2.

3. Start Node Manager



<Feb 15, 2023 9:55:19 AM EET> <INFO> <Server Implementation Class: weblogic.node
<Feb 15, 2023 9:55:19 AM EET> <INFO> <Secure socket listener started on port 5556, host localhost/>

Go to C:\u01\domains\ExampleDomain\wl_server\nodemanager
Edit file nodemanager


<Feb 15, 2023 10:30:58 AM EET> <INFO> <Server Implementation Class: weblogic.nod
<Feb 15, 2023 10:30:58 AM EET> <INFO> <Plain socket listener started on port 5556, host localhost/>

4. Verify the Node Manager Status

To verify the status of Node Manager:

Go to the Administration Console.
Under Domain Structure, expand Environment, and then select Machines.
In the Machines table, select machine1.
Under Settings for machine1, select Monitoring, and then Node Manager Status.
The Status field shows Reachable, which means that the Node Manager is currently running on the machine.

5. Start Managed Servers

Go to the Administration Console.
Under Domain Structure, expand Environment, and then select Servers.
On the Summary of Servers page, select Control.

In the Servers table, select the check box next to server1 and click Start.
  • The Console displays the message: A request has been sent to the Node Manager to start the selected servers.
  • Click the refresh icon to periodically refresh the data in the Servers table.
  • After a few minutes, verify that the server State is RUNNING and the Status of Last Action is TASK COMPLETED.

Repeat the step to start server2.


Sometimes when you Login to Oracle weblogic console, its possible that you are unable to find the Lock & Edit button in Change Center.

Instead the Change Center displays “Configuration editing is enabled. Future changes will automatically be activated as you modify, add or delete items in this domain.)


If you wish to have these buttons available in the change center, follow the below steps.

Go to Home – Preferences

User preferences – Uncheck the tick mark in Automatically Acquire Lock and Activate Changes

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