Monday, May 29, 2023

[openstack][microstack] installation

Before running the VM, set its network properties

Set Adapter 2 for installation (using Internet connection)
Set Adapter 1 for operation (using Host connection)

Connect to the target system via SSH

SSH -p 2222 xubuntu@localhost


Update the target system

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y


Install snap tool

sudo apt install snapd


Install web browser (optional)

sudo apt install midori


Create a new user named stack that OpenStack can be installed on a non-root user with sudo enabled

sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -d /opt/stack -m stack


Enable stack user to have root privileges and run without a password:

echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/stack

(The system will respond back with the message "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL")


Switch user to stack:

sudo su - stack


Disable open-vm-tools.service (if any)

# Check open-vm-tools status 
sudo systemctl status open-vm-tools.service
# Disable open-vm-tools
sudo systemctl disable open-vm-tools.service



# Reboot system
sudo reboot now


Recconect via SSH and switch user to stack

SSH -p 2222 xubuntu@localhost
sudo su - stack


Install microstack:

# Install microstack
sudo snap install microstack --beta


2023-06-11T09:15:37+02:00 INFO Waiting for automatic snapd restart...
microstack (beta) ussuri from Canonical✓ installed


Check post-installation

snap list microstack


Name        Version  Rev  Tracking     Publisher   Notes
microstack  ussuri   245  latest/beta  canonical✓  -

(Microstack has been successfully installed)


Initialize Microstack

The initialisation step automatically deploys, configures, and starts OpenStack services. In particular, it will create the database, networks, an image, several flavors, and ICMP/SSH security groups. This can all be done within 10 to 20 minutes depending on your machine.

sudo microstack init --auto --control


stack@xubuntu:~$ sudo microstack init --auto --control
2023-06-11 09:27:02,858 - microstack_init - INFO - Configuring clustering ...
2023-06-11 09:27:03,232 - microstack_init - INFO - Setting up as a control node.
2023-06-11 09:27:08,690 - microstack_init - INFO - Generating TLS Certificate and Key
2023-06-11 09:27:10,143 - microstack_init - INFO - Configuring networking ...
2023-06-11 09:27:20,398 - microstack_init - INFO - Opening horizon dashboard up to *
2023-06-11 09:27:22,145 - microstack_init - INFO - Waiting for RabbitMQ to start ...
Waiting for
2023-06-11 09:27:33,715 - microstack_init - INFO - RabbitMQ started!
2023-06-11 09:27:33,716 - microstack_init - INFO - Configuring RabbitMQ ...
2023-06-11 09:27:36,151 - microstack_init - INFO - RabbitMQ Configured!
2023-06-11 09:27:36,208 - microstack_init - INFO - Waiting for MySQL server to start ...
Waiting for
2023-06-11 09:27:59,904 - microstack_init - INFO - Mysql server started! Creating databases ...
2023-06-11 09:28:03,402 - microstack_init - INFO - Configuring Keystone Fernet Keys ...
2023-06-11 09:28:43,852 - microstack_init - INFO - Bootstrapping Keystone ...
2023-06-11 09:29:02,849 - microstack_init - INFO - Creating service project ...
2023-06-11 09:29:11,089 - microstack_init - INFO - Keystone configured!
2023-06-11 09:29:11,180 - microstack_init - INFO - Configuring the Placement service...
2023-06-11 09:29:39,008 - microstack_init - INFO - Running Placement DB migrations...
2023-06-11 09:29:45,510 - microstack_init - INFO - Configuring nova control plane services ...
2023-06-11 09:30:09,190 - microstack_init - INFO - Running Nova API DB migrations (this may take a lot of time)...
2023-06-11 09:30:55,214 - microstack_init - INFO - Running Nova DB migrations (this may take a lot of time)...
Waiting for
2023-06-11 09:33:16,803 - microstack_init - INFO - Creating default flavors...
2023-06-11 09:33:52,951 - microstack_init - INFO - Configuring nova compute hypervisor ...
2023-06-11 09:33:52,952 - microstack_init - INFO - Checking virtualization extensions presence on the host
2023-06-11 09:33:52,976 - microstack_init - WARNING - Unable to determine hardware virtualization support by CPU vendor id "AuthenticAMD": assuming it is not supported.
2023-06-11 09:33:52,976 - microstack_init - WARNING - Hardware virtualization is not supported - software emulation will be used for Nova instances
2023-06-11 09:33:56,309 - microstack_init - INFO - Configuring the Spice HTML5 console service...
2023-06-11 09:33:56,942 - microstack_init - INFO - Configuring Neutron
Waiting for
2023-06-11 09:36:40,924 - microstack_init - INFO - Configuring Glance ...
Waiting for
2023-06-11 09:37:37,764 - microstack_init - INFO - Adding cirros image ...
2023-06-11 09:37:42,719 - microstack_init - INFO - Creating security group rules ...
2023-06-11 09:37:57,554 - microstack_init - INFO - Configuring the Cinder services...
2023-06-11 09:39:28,146 - microstack_init - INFO - Running Cinder DB migrations...
2023-06-11 09:39:50,566 - microstack_init - INFO - restarting libvirt and virtlogd ...
2023-06-11 09:40:02,399 - microstack_init - INFO - Complete. Marked microstack as initialized!

(Microstack has been successfully initialized)



The purpose of the verification step is to confirm that the cloud is in working order and to discover some of the defaults used by MicroStack. Verification will consist of the following actions:

  • perform various OpenStack queries
  • create an instance
  • connect to the instance over SSH
  • access the cloud dashboard
  • Query OpenStack

    To list the default image
    sudo microstack.openstack image list


    | ID                                   | Name   | Status |
    | e6aebf13-e081-4cab-8323-61123a4f6033 | cirros | active |


    To get the default list of flavors
    sudo microstack.openstack flavor list


    | ID | Name      |   RAM | Disk | Ephemeral | VCPUs | Is Public |
    | 1  | m1.tiny   |   512 |    1 |         0 |     1 | True      |
    | 2  | m1.small  |  2048 |   20 |         0 |     1 | True      |
    | 3  | m1.medium |  4096 |   20 |         0 |     2 | True      |
    | 4  | m1.large  |  8192 |   20 |         0 |     4 | True      |
    | 5  | m1.xlarge | 16384 |   20 |         0 |     8 | True      |


    Create an instance

    MicroStack comes with a convenient instance creation command called microstack launch. It uses the following defaults for its instances:

  • keypair ‘microstack’
  • flavor ‘m1.tiny’
  • floating IP address on subnet ‘’
  • To create an instance named ‘test’ based on the ‘cirros’ image
    sudo mkdir -p /home/root/snap/microstack/common
    sudo microstack launch cirros -n test


    Creating local "microstack" ssh key at /home/root/snap/microstack/common/.ssh/id_microstack
    Launching server ...
    Allocating floating ip ...
    Server test launched! (status is BUILD)
    Access it with `ssh -i /home/root/snap/microstack/common/.ssh/id_microstack cirros@`
    You can also visit the OpenStack dashboard at

    Download/clone devstack from its repository:


    git clone

    (Devstack repo contains a script , which will be used in OpenStack installation.)


    Prepare a configuration file:

    cd devstack
    vim local.conf

    Paste the following content:


    To add to the group nopasswdlogin: sudo usermod -a -G nopasswdlogin To remove from nopasswdlogin group: sudo gpasswd -d nopasswdlogin

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